PACIFIC SUNSET, Photo by author, © dunelair: Sue Moran Thole

Looking Back Through Photos

Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2022


So Many Apps, So Many Options

These days even Microsoft gets into the act; the software recently reminded me of photos stored on its cloud. Heck, I did not know I had put photos out there (up there?) on its cloud. When did I do that?

Of course, Facebook has long been pulling up forgotten images to suggest sharing with your Facebook friends. The company will even assemble a photo book of all your images posted between two dates. Just a couple of clicks and a funds transfer will do the trick. A few days later you receive a handsome photo book. You may also order a calendar or some other item bearing one or more of your Facebook photos.

What catches my eye is the unique crop my iPad displays on the upper left. If my original photo was taken in portrait mode, the crop is now in landscape format, and I see my photo anew. I am frequently pleased with this simple change.

The photo that prompted this musing was of one of my precious grandsons who moved away two years ago. In the photo, he and I were on a short neighborhood walk, and I asked him to pause in front of an overgrown lot. I love this sweet third grader who looks out at me from this semi-wild space. The iPad’s crop puts all my attention on his face, where I see his innocence melding into a new awareness of our complex world. Today, my heart aches for all the times we have missed because the pandemic has prevented travel.

Another day my iPad displayed a sunset, and I took time to consider what I thought of it. After satisfying myself that I had made a worthy sunset image, I chose to post it here because Jack is not of age to authorize my use of his likeness online. I hope this cropped view looking across the wide Pacific will elicit pleasant meanings for you.




: Friend, reader, and photographer with eclectic interests. Loves living on California's central coast. Born and raised in West Virginia.