Lovin’ It and Lovin’ Them

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1 min readMar 6, 2018
Photo by Dennett

Today at the office of one of my law firm clients, I found this sticker applied to the back of an envelope containing a client’s check. It was a hectic day — at work and personally. In the midst of a fair amount of chaos, this little sticker made me laugh and pause long enough to take a photo, reminding me that even on difficult, demanding days, there is always a little something to create a smile.

And, I agree with this sticker, although I would add guinea pigs, manatees, ducks (or do they fall under the birds category?), elephants, whales, squirrels, monkeys, foxes, polar bears, wolves, and opossums, to name a few of my favorite creatures — all of whom are often easier to love than many people I know. And, yes, I am a bit of a cynic. I’ve lived long enough to know that most people are tragic mysteries that may draw sympathy or even compassion but defy comprehension. I’d rather love an animal that has no concept of hate than a person who wishes to rule the world with it.




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.