Bright full moon with red undertones.
Photo by Sofia Paz-D’África


a nocturnal sonata

Sofia Paz — D'África
Published in
Mar 20, 2022


The movement of the night,
Back and forward, so slight
We can barely see it.
Just feel it.

Slowly opening her eyes,
Behind the branches of stars,
She steps out.
Greeting those who look from below.

It’s late, quiet, gloomy.
Perfect time to wander around.
What is darkness if you carry
Your light?

Photos by Sofia Paz-D’África

Cheerful but discreet.
Calmly moving.
Playing, she hides behind the clouds.

Takes a peek, now and then,
Just to make sure we’re still
Following her light.

With a smile, she guides herself
Through the mist,
Of the Universe.

Bright full moon with green undertones.
Photo by Sofia Paz-D’África

The breeze is singing her name.
Urgent is the calling.

Frantic, the music that is
Written in the sky.
Fast like a shooting star.

In a blink of an eye, Moon
Passes by.








Sofia Paz — D'África

I’m a writer and illustrator who’s passionate about sending important messages!