
My Americana

The little things that make America, America.

Mark Ainscow
Published in
2 min readJun 12, 2019


I’ve been in the US for almost twenty years now. Back in 1999, just a couple of months after I arrived, a friend from Europe visited and made a hilarious comment when he saw a typical American yellow school bus. “It looks like I’m on the set of Dirty Harry,” he said. And I knew exactly what he meant.

I take these things for granted now and so I spent a couple of months casting my mind back to when I was a brand new immigrant and photographed the simple things that, for me, make America, America.

All photos taken and owned by me, yada yada yada.

Railroad crossing sign — railroads intersect with roads with no more warning than just a ringing bell
Yellow school buses. To get to school, I used to take the town bus
Miles of boxcars
Fire hydrants — I know! Weird, right?



Mark Ainscow

Dad/Husband/UXer/Brit/Yank - Takes photos and designs experiences, and writes a few words too. Not to be taken too seriously, if at all.