Ellie as a puppy. Image by Author

My Dream Puppy Was a “Difficult Child”

But she grew up to be a well-balanced dog.

Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2021


Most people don’t realize what living with a young land shark is really like. We like to portray our puppies as perfect angels whose little acts of mischief are simply adorable. If a puppy does something bad we laugh it off and make a humourous post about it on social media. Chewing, nipping, counter surfing — it’s all fun and games. If you’ve never owned a dog before then the arrival of a new puppy can be a shock to the system. It was for me…

My puppy wouldn’t eat. For the first 4 months or so, we had to hand feed her because she refused to eat out of her bowl. Sometimes her poor stomach would get so upset from fasting that she’d vomit bile.

Ellie sulking after an unproductive feeding session. Image by Author

My puppy chewed up most of our possessions (and me). In the photograph below I have a wide smile plastered on my face but underneath my jeans, my legs are black and blue from constant nipping. We also spent a fortune on cleaning products and re-turfing the garden.



Forensic science graduate, currently working as a freelance translator. Love my orchids, pets and working from home.