Stacked Brown. Photo by David Montgomery

Our Spring Challenge

One Colour, Different Shades

Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2023


Where I live in Eastern Ontario, having suffered through the drab days of winter, it’s exciting to see how spring is arriving so resplendently. The grass is suddenly bright green. Gardens are blooming with daffodils, tulips, forsythias and lilacs. Who can resist taking pictures which celebrate so many colours?

But we’d like you to focus in closer, looking for how many different yellows there are, just how many blues.

For our Spring Challenge, SNAPSHOTS invites you to submit photos which illustrate “One Colour, Different Shades.” Each pic should show variations of just one colour. The photographs don’t need to be about spring or even nature. They can be on any subject you want, as long as they are single-hued.

I’ve included three photos that I hope will show you what we mean. For example, how stacked logs create a pattern of browns, how many different reds are in autumn leaves, and in how many blues my favourite books are bound.

You can submit up to three photos. And just for this challenge we don’t want any words—no explanations at all, except in a short caption. We hope these limitations will not only challenge you, but also provide lots of fun as you explore.

We’re looking forward to what you come up with!


David Montgomery
SNAPSHOTS Wednesday editor.

Autumn Red. Photo by David Montgomery
Blue Books. Photo by David Montgomery



David Montgomery

Gay Anglican priest, retired to the charming town of Almonte with my brilliant fiancé Allan Rae, and our sweet Saint Bernard, Finnegan.