A timer with a black background and the number zero on the screen.
Photo by Sofia Paz-D’África

Running Out Of Time

can you make every second count?

Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2021


What if we never get the time?
What will we do, then?

Can we run fast enough to the top of our dreams?
Or is it too late to catch up?

The to-do list on the desk, will we ever get it done?

What about the walks in the park?
The ones we used to take for hours
While enjoying the sound of silence?

Remember when you said we were going to the beach?
Ten years have passed and, still, no sea.

The promises pile up but so do the excuses!

I’m tired of waiting for tomorrow
Only to discover that it won’t be any different from today.

And if my words aren’t enough to make you change,
Stop and look around:

The seeds you’ve planted are now grown flowers.
Their beauty fills the space between us.
However, they’re getting older, dry,tired.
Soon, they’ll fade…

One day, so will we.

But it isn’t over yet!

A clock in four different positions. Black and white image.
Photo by Sofia Paz-D’África

The clock is still ticking so,

It’s not too late
To start making every second count!



I’m a writer and illustrator who’s passionate about sending important messages!