(Screen)shots of art generated by a “dreaming” “artificial intelligence” program -part 1
Where’s the limit of what can be considered art? This program painted its own pictures. It runs with predefined rules, but also uses random numbers and is guided by the inputs of the human user — here myself. Besides, you’ll see the pics have their own “style”, while at the same time they evoke some of the intentions and interests of the human user. What do you think? Could this somehow be considered art (I won’t be offended if you say no!). Send me your ideas and I will produce some of this “art” for you!!
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4 min readSep 16, 2021
Artificial neural networks are complex mathematical models, encoded as computer programs, that intend to mimic how natural brains “learn” from experience and by trial and error. And in principle, they could potentially also become someday “creative”, “artistic”.
Although we are still extremely far from developing artificial brains (I think!) neural networks and the whole computer science field of “artificial intelligence” or…