Our Christmas hanging Pot. Photo by Louise Peacock

Seasons Greetings to Snapshots

And the Snapshots Editors

Louise Peacock
Published in
Dec 25, 2023


This year I am late with everything. My stroke in June left me seriously behind schedule, and before I knew it, here’s Christmas.

I am way behind in reading stories, I am way behind in writing stories, but here we are Christmas day and I finally have a little contribution for Snapshots.

Giant Miscanthus Grass in our back garden. Photo by Louise Peacock.

Here is the trace amount of snow from last week, as close as we got to a white Christmas. All gone now.

I hope that we all enjoy a wonderful New Year and that 2024 is a better year for the world.

Thank you to the Snapshot creators and editors for providing this lovely publication.

Photo by Louise Peacock



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.