Shifting Shades Of Ordinary

texture challenge part 3

Allan Rae


Sometimes, if we take a moment or two and shift our vision away from that which has become little more than a Pavlovian response to the things surrounding us, we may just get that brief and fleeting sensation of setting eyes on something for the first time.

Dark and foggy views from an airplane window might become the flowing, floating hues on an upended horizon.

Sunny days at the beach can turn into uneven considerations on the base elements of water, sky, and earth.

Even the bulky, splinter causing lifeguard chair of your mid-twenty something summers becomes a geometric tutorial on structural harmony trough shape and color balance.

That is, until you come across something that really is best described as appearing not dissimilar to the torso of a Chinese Crested dog, provided said dog is morbidly obese and suffers from advanced cellulite. (Click the link, it’ll make sense.)

Because if not that, it’s a pink and blue pumpkin (of course.) See below for the monochrome version.

Am I the only one who never had the pleasure? I’m all for new and diverse autumn vegetable hybrids, however that being said I really hope the genius who envisioned this pink and blue Easter pastel mistake, received a well earned pink slip.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs.