SNAPSHOTS Flash Wednesday Challenge

the mini me

Allan Rae
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2018


Yes, the Sepia hued child with the unfortunate haircut who seems to be catching flies with his mouth, is indeed me.

Yes, this challenge is probably what you think it is. And no, I am not kidding!

So, here’s your opportunity to show everyone how cute you were as a baby, or maybe how “unfortunate” your teen years proved to be. Or, brag about what a bombshell you blossomed into for the high school prom. It’s completely up to you what you showcase.

The Rules

  1. Your challenge is to create a photo entry consisting of between 1 and 10 pictures of your childhood.
  2. “Your childhood”, for our intent here includes any pictures of you, and/or any pictures of items or places that were integral to your childhood. A book, a shirt, a teddy bear, the street sign announcing your city limits, etc.
  3. You may or may not include a narrative, provided it does not exceed 400 words in total, inclusive of title and subtitle.
  4. Please include a title of your choosing.
  5. Please include the subtitle mini me challenge.
  6. Please place title and subtitle UNDER your first photo.
  7. Please include the tags photography and mini me challenge, and any others you wish to include.

If you’d like an example, my entry I put together this morning follows below.

Please submit one entry only. Submissions close at 9:30 am tomorrow.

Random , Some More Embarrassing Than Others, Snapshots of My Childhood

First picture taken with mom and dad in our apartment building in Tokyo, September 1967.

A letter my father wrote me on the day I was born, intending for me to open it when I turned 21.

Can you tell Dad would have been quite happy if I had joined the RCMP? Instead, I became a paramedic, and in an ironic twist of fate that Dad was actually proud of, I became a vocal critic of police policy regarding use of force and hiring practice.

Myself and my neighbor and best friend until teens, Theresa Clark. In your second ironic tidbit of the day, everyone was convinced we’d get married, that is until I decided that I wanted to kiss boys and Theresa decided she wanted to kiss girls.

Just call me hydro-cephalic head.

The Animals Christmas, original story and excerpt by Allan G W Rae. Sadly, the somewhat unfortunate graphic design is by the author as well.

Me and my first dog, Frisky, a white poodle who always had a decidedly non-Poodle haircut.

12 y/o, in Grade 7, on a trip for Christmas to St. Lucia. Frizzy hair, a nose full of zits, braces, and completely embarrassed by absolutely everything. No doubt I was a real pleasure to be around that trip.

We will not speak of this again.

Grade 11, just turned 16.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs.