photo by ted_ozawa

Snapshots — June 17, 2024

Photographs taken during a short walk in Saitama, Japan.

Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2024


It was cloudy at 5:30 pm. The air is damp, as the rain is said to start at night. It’s a perfect moment to take my cameras for a walk. Because the light is not perfect, the timing is not perfect (I don’t have much time until the sun goes down). What would I find within 100m of my home?

photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa

The city is building an underpass for the railroad. The machines, fences, and ever-changing terrain give a kind of unsettling feeling around my neighborhood.

photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa
photo by ted_ozawa

Today I tried the things I don’t usually do — had two cameras, one with a wide lens and the other with a medium-long lens. And I adapted the images into a wide format, to add temperature and coherence, to otherwise mundane scenes. It’s just a random thing I came up with for a fresh session. Photo-walk gives me this unique sensation, relaxing and exciting at the same time.




Photographs of my daily life, based in Saitama, Japan. Run a family business. Studied and worked in U.S.(NE,OR,NY) 1991–2001.