Photo by Dennett

SNAPSHOTS Mini Challenge

Morning Rituals

Published in
5 min readAug 26, 2018


How your morning begins sets the tone for the rest of the day, don’t you agree? Of course, some mornings begin at 5 am and some at 11 am because our mornings are as individual as we are.

Image via Stacy Rancourt on Pinterest

Are you a leisurely morning person or someone who hits the snooze button multiple times, jumping out of bed minutes before you need to leave for work? Do you have a homemade breakfast or grab a coffee at Starbucks before sprinting to your office? Do you walk, bike, drive or take mass transit to work? Or, do you stroll into your home office still wearing your pajamas?

Do you want quiet and solitude after waking or do you like to get pumped up by music like this?

We recently had a Breakfast Challenge but this challenge isn’t about what you eat in the morning as much as what you do to start your day.

Do your mornings begin with a spiritual practice? Do you walk your dog or have children to feed and bundle off to school?

Some of us are morning people and some definitely are not. Maybe you work at night and sunrise means bedtime and your day actually begins in the afternoon. Whatever your schedule may be, please show us

How your day begins.


  1. Feel free to post up to ten photos, all taken by you, with narratives totaling no more than 400 words for your entire post.
  2. All photos are required to meet the content guidelines of SNAPSHOTS, as outlined in our submission guidelines.
  3. Place your title under your first photo.
  4. Please make your subtitle Morning Rituals.
  5. Please include the tags: photography and morning rituals

And, here is my Morning Rituals post to get us started (all photos by Dennett):

Sophie Says Goodmorning

My Morning Goes to the Dogs — Literally!

Morning Rituals

I wake up at 6:30 with this fuzzy face looking at me from my side of our bed. Her sister’s equally fuzzy face is on the other side staring at Ben. Our morning starts with dogs.

I am not a morning person but our two new, old dogs have made me one. I am up at 6:30 and out the door by 6:45 with two leashes in hand, Ben following behind with our 14-year-old Pekingese. I’ve come to love these early walks when the sun is just creeping above the horizon and the air is not yet too sticky with humidity. With practice, I’ve learned to juggle two dogs and a camera:

I follow these two for nearly a mile each morning:

Our walks center me, as well as getting my blood pumping and giving me the much-needed daily exercise that was missing in my life before these two joined our family.

A shower follows the walk — after all, we are in Florida and “not yet too sticky” means humidity above 60%!

Next, the second ritual of my morning — breakfast on our porch with three dogs and two cats while looking out on the lake still lacy with morning fog or bright with the day’s new-born sunlight.

Sipping coffee or Argentine mate cosido and nibbling on whatever breakfast might be, Ben and I watch the Muscovy and black-belling whistling ducks gather for the cracked corn that Ben scatters for them, the song birds, and squirrels.

I am not a wake-up-and-run type of person. To me, morning chaos poisons the hours to come. Slow rituals like my morning dog walk and our porch time give me the foundation I need to get through long days when my needs are at the bottom of everyone’s list — except Ben’s!

Now, your turn. How do your start your day?

This challenge is open to anyone with an active Medium account. Not yet a writer for us? Here is a link to our SNAPSHOT information page. Take a look at it, review our submission guidelines, and if you think you’d like to participate then leave a response in the comment section below asking to be added as a writer. One of the editors will get back to you shortly, letting you know you’ve been added.




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.