SNAPSHOTS Mini Challenge

Your Personal Art Gallery

Allan Rae
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2018


The challenge today is simple, but it’s one that cuts to the core of who you are and what you’re about. I want you to show us your art. What items do you have around your home that makes the house or apartment you live in feel like home to you. It could be a one of a kind commissioned piece, a limited edition print, some photography, a sculpture, interesting furniture, movie posters you’ve collected, or art that you or someone close to you has created. The common thread for whatever you choose is that it should be something you feel adds to the overall aesthetic quality of your home.

The Rules

  1. In one or several photographs, show us up to 10 items of art that decorate your home.
  2. Please include a short narrative for each image, telling us something about the piece. Why is it on your wall? What caught your eye? Is there an interesting story about how you acquired it? Please make sure your total narrative for all items does not exceed 400 words in total, inclusive of title and subtitle.
  3. Please include a title of your choosing.
  4. Please include the subtitle art gallery.
  5. Please place title and subtitle UNDER your first photo.
  6. Please include the tags photography and art gallery, and any others you wish to include.

While the mini challenge was originally intended to have a 24 hour window, we’ve found that to be prohibitive for many writers. Because of that our mini challenges will always remain open ended with no time limitations.

As always, my entry follows below with several examples.

The Slater Road Collection

When David and I first moved in together we knew we would have to compromise in the religious art department. David being a priest, and myself being agnostic seemed rife for conflict, especially when it came to crucifixion depictions. I did NOT want the cross on display. It was only after we had put the above piece on the wall did David tell me what it actually represented. You guessed it. A modernist take on the crucifixion. It’s actually a piece I’ve grown to love.

What can I say? Being an only child, my parents had pieces like this all over the house. This one, at 3 ft by 2 ft is small. David, coming from a home where you just didn’t have pictures of yourself on the wall, compromised and let me hang this one, if I agreed it would be the only one. And yeah, I think the drool is sweet, but I get that it’s not for everyone.

For my birthday last year David gave me this drawing by Indigenous artist Elizabeth McQueen.

My absolute favorite picture of my previous dog Singher, it was a spontaneous shot I managed to capture. It’s going on my office wall when I finish, well start for that matter, painting it.

Another favorite shot, this one of Mr. Moles I snapped in a hotel.

A Christmas gift this past year from me to David, Jeremy the teak giraffe has a home in the dining room.

To the right of the desk in my office sit three of my own paintings. For me they represent stepping out of my comfort zone.


This challenge is open to anyone with an active Medium account. Not yet a writer for us? Here is a link to our SNAPSHOT information page. Take a look at it, review our submission guidelines, and if you think you’d like to participate then leave a response in the comment section below asking to be added as a writer. One of the editors will get back to you shortly letting you know you’ve been added.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs.