Frida love Monday — photo by author
Kraken Tuesday — photo by author
Chinese Astrological sign Wednesday — photo by author
LOTR ORC sock Thursday, sock compliments of Air New Zealand — photo by author
Striped compression sock Friday — photo by author
New jeans saturday (no socks) — photo by author
Lazy slipper socks Sunday — photo by author

Sock Days of the Week

A photo essay of socks at home in response to Dennett’s Photo a Day Challenge.

Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2021


With the weather being so cold in the minus 20 to 30 celsius range lately most of my world is inside. My world consists of work at my dining room table for eight hours a day, tethered to the computer by headset, Monday to Friday. My evenings are spent mostly on the one end of my couch. I think I will need a new couch soon, there is a permanent dent from me sitting here with my legs curled under me.

Here, I eat, listen to music, watch Coronation Street, photograph socks, chat with my friend in Sydney Australia almost daily and another friend in Indiana on Instagram occasionally, both of which I’ve never met in person.
Sometimes I write and paint here too, on my couch. It is like command central, I have all I need within reach, laptop, phone, tarot cards, paint, paper, and brushes. AlthoughI love my alone time and I don't think my own company is bad, I do miss companionship. Someone to chat with about my day and theirs, someone to touch, it would be nice if there were two dents in my couch.

Sometimes when we get snow I venture outside in the evening to shovel my driveway. When the snow is light and fluffy and the sky is clear and the moon is bright it is a welcomed gift. This time outside under the stars alone, my breath warm on the cold air, I wonder about all the others that are looking at the night sky as well, the ones I love and those I miss. I wonder if they are doing the same as we share the sky and stars.

Soon the days will get longer, the air warmer and the snow will melt away. I will emerge from my home, my world will expand outside. I will feel the warmth on my face and lightness in my step. There will be a dent in my patio chair as I listen to the birds sing, children walk by and the neighbour’s cat pays me a visit. Coffee and scones to be shared with friends under my maple tree. Walks by the creek so I can see the ferns sprout from the ground while my shoes are muddied, and sometimes my socks, by the wetness of the rich fertile soil of the creek’s bank.

You ask how does this all relate to socks of the week, good question? It is just flowing from my fingers on the keyboard as I sit on my couch.

Inspired by Dennett s prompt a photo a day and her piece A Gray Spring.

