Some Needed Rest For Trouser

and a wake up call for Mr. Moles

Allan Rae


Due to Mr. Mole’s day trip adventure playing a Handmaid banished to The Colonies, Trouser spent yesterday playing solo, chasing balls and stalking wasps (you’d think he would have learned). By evening he was wiped, sawing logs and drooling in the above antique store find that, it would appear, he has claimed as his own.

Today, Mr. Moles (aka Emily) is sheepishly quiet, after his post-structuralist, Judith Butler theories on non binary identities and gender performance were given a swift dystopian kick to the nuts (oops, he just reminded me he doesn’t have any) by Aunt Lydia and a post-apocalyptic Gilead. Though it wasn’t all bad, according to Moles. She did give him some bacon.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs.