This and all other photographs by author Luciano Abriata.

Spring report week 1, featuring primroses

LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)


Not officially spring yet, but this year the season of flowers has anticipated. I will try to commit to one story with photos of the flowers that bloom each week. To be published across friend publications, starting here today with primroses which dominated the first week of March!

But before the primroses…

Other flowers are blooming too!

And as you can see, the beginning of the spring is here dominated by violet:

Now the primroses as promised

I think these are not naturally wild here and were rather planted. However, they reproduced themselves so much that you now find them everywhere. They make their appearance by the end of February, they…



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
SNAPSHOTS | Scientific writing, technology integrator, programming, biotech, bioinformatics.| Have a job for me? Contact me in ES FR EN IT