Freshly plucked succulent Golden Himalayan Raspberries [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]


Summer Challenge 2023: Yellow!

SNAPSHOTS Photo Challenge

Sanghita Pal
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2023


From the majestic Himalayas experiencing nature’s grandeur and creating lasting memories, from the mystical serenity of Varanasi to the breathtaking beauty of Kerala’s backwaters, from the majestic Taj Mahal to the delicious food streets of Delhi, I so love to embark on journeys through India’s kaleidoscope of wonders every now and then.

Here I have picked 10 photographs from my albums and all those have a dash of yellow:

The Golden Himalayan Raspberries

Bursting with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, they offer a healthful boost. Locally known as Hissalu, their vibrant golden yellow color adds a touch of elegance to any dish or dessert.

They are rare and exquisite treasure nestled in the majestic Himalayan region of India. Indulge in the richness of these Himalayan gems, a true gift from nature.

The beautiful yellow flower of Pumpkin gourd [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Pumpkin Gourd Flower

Found in plenty across the length and breadth of India, the pumpkin gourd flower not only captivates the eyes but also tantalizes the taste buds, offering a gastronomic delight. Its tender petals can be stuffed, battered or sautéed to create delicious platters.

The yellow-peach cemented pillars of the Ganga bridge in Rishikesh, India [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Bridge on the River Ganges

Connecting the shores with grace, the bridge in Rishikesh offers a mesmerizing view of the sacred river and surrounding landscapes. I captured a portion of the bridge in yellow while crossing over.

The yellow eggplant [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Yellow Eggplant

Brinjals/aubergines/eggplants — regardless of the name used, it remains a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world, prized for its unique flavor and texture. Generally purple in color, I captured one in yellow shade.

Me in the yellow hoodie with a few Orient lilies gazing at the Nilgiris [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal, cam on tripod]

The Yellow Hoodie and Orient Lilies

The Nilgiris or Blue Mountains, is a stunning mountain range located in southern India. The Nilgiris region offers a picturesque retreat for nature lovers and adventure seekers and also is home to several charming hill stations.

In one such visit, I captured myself gazing at the enchanting Nilgiris in the yellow hoodie with a few Orient lilies by my side (never knew I would participate in this wonderful challenge! 😉)

the vibrant foliage [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Foliage

This somewhat yellow-green-brick red foliage caught my attention while passing by the street in Delhi a couple of months back.

Aren’t those yellow flowerpots beautiful? [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Flowerpots

I found those yellow flower tumblers with the red beauties capture-worthy…hence, the capture!

The entry point to a temple dedicated to Maa Jaitapuri, an incarnate of Goddess Durga, Kothli Hills, India [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Entrypoint with the Board

During one my mountainous treks, I could notice the vibrant yellow entry board to a temple.

A Durga Puja pandal in yellow and orange theme [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Durga Puja Pandal

Durga Puja pandals are elaborate temporary structures or installations constructed during the Durga Puja festival, which is a significant Hindu celebration dedicated to the Goddess Durga.

These pandals serve as the focal points for worship, cultural performances and community gatherings during the festival. Each pandal is uniquely designed and decorated, often reflecting a specific theme or concept. Here it’s in yellow and orange color coordination.

A visually stunning ambiance. People visit these pandals to offer prayers, witness the grandeur, and immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere.

A few varieties of Indian Chaat [Image: ©️Sanghita Pal]

The Indian Chaat

Indian chaat is a popular street food snack known for its vibrant flavors and diverse ingredients. It is a delicious combination of crispy fried snacks, tangy chutneys, yogurt, spices and fresh herbs.

I would love to see that there is a burst of yellow in every plate. 🙂💛

You may would like to catch a glance of my take on Water Colors, Green, Peach and Purple❤️🙏🙂.

A few wonderful entires in the Summer Challenge 2023-

Loved Marcus photos of stunning yellow flowers.

The beautfiul photo story of Anne Bonfert made me feel like visiting Ghana atleast once in my lifetime.

Dennett’s photo story would transport you to the world of vibrance and happiness for sure.

Hearty thanks David Montgomery for such an invigorating and interesting photo challenge. Loved every bit of it!

Photos and post ©️Sanghita Pal, 2023. All rights reserved♾️🙏🧿.

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to check out my profile. I write about Travel, Photography, Architecture, Food, Nature, Life, Mindfulness, Books and whatever interests me.

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Sanghita Pal

Writer, learner, empath~passionate about life and nature and all in between~love to recite, laugh out loud, reminisce the past, click moments, make memories