Photo by Author — Rainbow Beach in Australia

Sunrises Are Always Better Than Sunsets

It isn’t up for debate either; 5 reasons why sunrises beats sunsets

Jack Road
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2021


I feel for sunrises.

By default of the time of day, it gets little attention compared to its better half, the sunset.

On most days, the sun rises without a flicker or peep. It humbly goes about its business, lighting the way for the day without any exaggerated announcement.

It does its job, and only a few are around to see it.

I have been fortunate and motivated to catch the sun in all its morning glory several times in my life. Camping in the rainforest, climbing a volcano in the dark, visiting a sacred temple ground, or driving through the thick of night: all resulting from adventure.

These impeccable traveling moments have revealed an important distinction: sunrises are always better than sunsets.

Photo by Author — The sun lights the way in Borneo

Sunrises are earned

Unfortunately for most, you can’t watch a sunrise without first waking up at an ungodly hour. That criteria, by default, sends most people flocking away. Great; better for the rest of us.



Jack Road

Writer on the move. Vagabond, visiting the world and exploring everything. Journeys are happiness in motion. Let’s break the 9-5 hustle.