© Dennett ~ 10/19/2020 ~ Bountiful

Photo Challenge / One-Photo-A-Day


7 Days/7 Photos

Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2020


One of the many things I’ve enjoyed about this photo challenge is what I’ve learned along the way. Our neighborhood walking/biking trail passes four of the trees pictured above. Basic green and not particularly interesting during most of the year, I didn’t notice these heavy-hanging seed pods in previous falls. Now, with my focus on nature around me, I was surprised to see each tree weighed down with these chestnut-colored seed pods. How have I missed these for the prior three autumns?? Believe it or not, the tree’s name is hophornbeam. Locally, it’s usually called ironwood, which certainly is easier to say!

And, that’s a perfect example of this challenge. Pay attention to your surroundings, take at least one photo a day, and share them with us. I promise you will notice things you never saw before!

I want to thank those who have joined me on this photographic journey:

Erika Burkhalter, Eileen Vorbach Collins, Anne Bonfert, Tracy Aston, Rachael Ann Sand, Sasha Meyer, June Nguyen, Lisa Bolin, and Denise G.

I think that’s everyone, but if your name is missing, please let me know.

This challenge is like one of those touristy bus or trolley tours where you can jump off and on as you please. You…




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.