Old fashioned street vendor candy cart rests in a back garden. Photo by Louise Peacock

Technology and Nature in Canada

Some whimsical shots

Louise Peacock
Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2022


This seemed like an interesting challenge, but sadly, I do not have a lot of pertinent shots!

One of my garden clients has quite the collection of vintage farm tools and an ancient candy cart shown in the first image. We were never able to find out much about this old cart, just that it was popular with street vendors in the early 1900s.

We used to enjoy attending Steam Punk events here in Ontario, Canada. At one such event, we encountered this daring young man and his quaint Penny Farthing bicycle.

A penny-farthing cycle is seen here at a Steam Punk event in a local park in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Photo by Louise Peacock. (The young mans’ features have been pixelated)
Photo of fully costumed author and husband taken with a Penny Farthing bicycle at the Zion Steam Punk event. Polaroid photo taken by a volunteer at the event. Photo used with permission of Louise Peacock and Bruce Walker.

The penny-farthing bycycle, a bizarre-looking two-wheeled form of transportation was popular in the 1870s and 1880s. The large front wheel provided high speeds because it travelled a long distance for every pedal move. It also provided more rider comfort because the large wheel provided excellent shock absorption. You can read more about this interesting mode of transportation at this link.

Technology meets Winter

Best winter technology ever. A beautiful 2 stage snowblower. Photo by Bruce M. Walker

I frankly dislike snow. It always needs to be shovelled or cleared off driveways, paths and sidewalks. Enter my lovely big snowblower. Technology vs. Winter.

Pickup truck is a workhorse for our neighbour. Photo by Bruce M. Walker

A big powerful pickup truck is another bit of technology that makes life a lot easier for people doing things outdoors. This one is not mine, but I used to love posing with it.

Anti bug technology

In my role as a professional gardener, the fight against mosquitos and ticks is constant. Whoever came up with this mesh anti-bug outfit is a genius. Wearing it makes me look idiotic, but I do not have to worry about insect hangers-on getting me. (For what it’s worth, it is extremely warm.)

Anti bug technology at work! My anti-tick and mosquito outfit in use at a client garden. Photo by Nerissa



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.