Photo taken by author somewhere in Kyoto

The Beauty of the Yukata

Summer kimono

Thalia Dunn
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Summertime and the livin’ is easy…

It’s getting hot and summery in Japan, so it is the perfect time to pull out a yukata to stay cool.

July and August are the months when everyone seems to be enjoying the gorgeous yukatas — either wearing them or admiring them from afar!

It’s a feast of colors and textures and I love it!

Yukatas are known as summer kimonos. They are much lighter than kimonos as they are made of either cotton, linen or hemp so there is room to breathe. (Kimonos are of heavier material such as silk and usually have a lining.)

Both women and men of all ages enjoy the relaxed feel of slipping on a yukata because they are cooler to wear and more comfortable.

They are popular for either casual or formal wear. You see people wearing them everywhere; on the streets, in the metro, at parties, at the many festivals or just when it’s too hot to wear anything else.

Older men ride their bikes down the road and their yukatas miraculously do not get caught in the spokes of the wheels.

Yes, they look formal, but they are incredibly light and comfortable!



Thalia Dunn

I’ve been scribbling in notebooks and journals for years and finally decided to share with like-minded pilgrims on our adventure through life.