Photo Credits — Remington Write

The City as a Canvas

But is this stuff really art?

Remington Write
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2021


There are a couple of taglines fighting for primacy these days in New York. Which one is winning depends on where you live and how well — or poorly — you came through the past year.

To the kids raving in Washington Square Park or in warehouses in Bushwick, the clear winner is New York is BACK!

To the guy who got stabbed on our subway platform last week the more apt tagline is The Seventies are BACK!

Judging from some of the graffiti I’m seeing around the city, I’m wondering exactly what version of New York City is coming back. This isn’t creative, wild, artistic expression. It’s scrawled and angry and messy. Kind of like our so-called recovery.

Scrawling, sprawling, mad and mean as it looks, I have to admit that there’s an energy there appeals to my inner anarchist. Are you seriously telling us that after all the death and suffering of the past year we’re still not anywhere near having universal health care in this…

