A simple red bow and wreathy thing for the kitchen window. Photo by Louise Peacock

The KISS Technique— Christmas 2021

Keep It Simple Stupid

Louise Peacock
Published in
Dec 22, 2021


We never really go overboard with decorations inside or out, and in the past several years the outside decoration thing has dwindled to a couple of pots with evergreens and bows, a large pot partway up the front walk, and a wreath for the front door and possibly something on both sides of the door.

Two large red bows and a small door decoration, plus two evergreen pots with minimal bows. Photo by Louise Peacock
Hanging pot with bow, and large pot with bow. Photos by Louise Peacock
I added a fake garland to the top of the fence, and added some red bows to it. Photo by Louise Peacock

We have several close neighbours who do quite a lot of outside decoration and lights and stuff, so we feel we can be really low-key. (We are also extremely lazy.)

Neighbours Christmas lights. Photos by Louise Peacock

So, here is what we did inside the house for this year:

Dining room buffet, pink Poinsettias. Photo by Louise Peacock
Front window red Poinsettias with Holly. Photo by Louise Peacock
Kitchen counter red Poinsettias. Photo by Louise Peacock
Front hall red Poinsettias with holly. Photo by Louise Peacock
In the movie room — a portrait of Marze and a nice big Christmas pot of Holly and one red Poinsettia. Photo by Louise Peacock

You are probably thinking “Wow, that Louise is really big on Poinsettias”. You would be right.

Have a great one everybody!!!



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.