The Murals in Łódź, Poland (a big deer on the wall)
Picture 1 (photo by the author)

The Murals in Łódź, Poland

Kan Kante Hsieh


Compared to others, Łódź is a relatively young city in Poland. It is a “direct product of the Industrial Revolution.” The booming textile industry attracted a massive influx of people to the city. Therefore it was once known as “the promised land.”

Today, these industrial landscapes of the old days come to serve as a great stage for artists, designers, and of course businessmen. As I mentioned in my previous article, Łódź’s murals have made this post-industrial city famous among urban art lovers (or is it just me?). Actually, I went to Łódź mainly for The children of Bałutythe memorial murals dedicated to the young victims of the Jewish ghetto during World War Two. But I was looking forward to seeing other colorful, light-hearted works as well. Given that there were dozens of masterpieces (like picture 1), I was only able to see a few of them.

In this article, I would try my best to let the photos speak for themselves.

Picture 2, which depicts Łódź city, is the largest mural among others.

The Murals in Łódź, Poland
Picture 2 (photo by the author)

Picture 3 is the one that portrays the citizens related to Łódź. I like it because it is cute and somehow elegant. Both picture 2 and picture 3 are standing at…



Kan Kante Hsieh

Originally from Taiwan. Now mainly based in Frankfurt(M) as a Ph.D. student. Interests: Gramsci, and political geography.