Peony outside my house, © Paul Mansfield


The Peony

Pink is the color of my true love’s lips


This is just another story about the flowers in my garden, planted by my late wife. I’ll try not to get maudlin, or heartbreaking in this story. But sometimes that is my cross to bear.

The Chinese Peony is a classic beautiful flower, that can grow to over 2 feet tall. Due to its flower being so heavy, it tends to drop in the summer, if you don’t stake it up. With multiple buds, its blooms can be enjoyed throughout most of the summer.

Susan chose these for the front of the house, underneath our bay window, to highlight both the architectural features and the flower’s brilliance.

Even in b&w, they are stunning, © Paul Mansfield

Fortunately for me and my non-green thumb, they require little to no maintenance in my area (southwestern Ontario), so I am free to enjoy their beauty without much effort.

People live on through their deeds and through the memories of others.

Paul Mansfield is a writer, a photographer, a guitar player, a philosopher — some he does well, some not so well, but he still tries them all.

You can follow him on Twitter @pmansfield.

If you missed the heartbreak from earlier stories, you might like this story about my journey through grief.



The Fascinating Paul Mansfield

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.