Hierve el Agua — hard to believe that’s a rock formation, not a waterfall (photo credit to the author)

Travel. Photography. Nature

The Petrified Waterfalls of Oaxaca, Mexico

Hierve el Agua. A Waterfall Frozen in Time

Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2022


The drive through the mountains was both breath-taking and vomit-inducing. I panickily pulled my stiff seatbelt whilst imaging the bus rolling over the edges of the cliff with my head bashing against the metal sides like a pinball. Riding alongside black hawks suspended in the air atop lustrous greenery was a welcome distraction from the possibility of impending doom.

As always, of course, it was all worth it.

I knew it was as when I’m faced with something unimaginably beautiful it reduces my vocabulary to only expletives. Slack-jawed, my mouth is reduced to exclaiming “FUCK OFF!” It’s my primate brain’s way of saying WOW. The more I say it, the more incredible a place is. Let’s just say, I said it a lot today.

Surrounded by emerald mountains that rolled and lay folded like piles of discarded laundry, trees growing out of cracks and crevices where it just shouldn’t be possible for them to grow, stark against impossibly blue skies and delicate puffs of white clouds drifting by like the smoke from the caterpillars’ pipe.



Sh*t Happens - Lost Girl Travel

Hi! I’m Georgie and I share travel stories of when sh*t happens. I think that sometimes the worst things that happen to you traveling, are often the funniest