Picture generated by inpainting and outpainting a photograph shot by the author. Image editing in this and other shots of the articles were done with Dall E 2, whose generations are usable for all legal purposes including commercial use as detailed at https://labs.openai.com/policies/terms as of September 4th 2022.

The pond in the tomato jungle -except it’s not all real!

Learn about “inpainting” and “outpainting” your own real shots with this great artificial intelligence tool.

LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2022


What you see in the lead photo is the result of the joint effort of an AI and a human -AI standing for artificial…



LucianoSphere (Luciano Abriata, PhD)

https://www.lucianoabriata.com | Scientific writing, technology integrator, programming, biotech, bioinformatics.| Have a job for me? Contact me in ES FR EN IT