Erik Smith
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2018


All pics by me

The Snapshot Selfie Challenge

I think I don’t like selfie’s…I gave it a lot of pondering. I thought; this is nót my thing…On the other hand- I saw some remarkable picture’s! And I more or less told Tracy I’d do it. Hmm, perhaps I need to give it a second thought…And a third.

In the meantime; what you see is a forehead and underneath that skin is a thick skull that protects a pondering mind.

I think, therefor I am..

Well if thinking is the standard, then ‘I am’ a lot, I can assure you.


That is what marks me.I contemplate, I ponder, I think, my thoughts go in all directions, examining, searching, trying to find answers –sometimes even the questions-sucking up all kinds of bits and pieces of information and knowledge…and not much really happens.There’s too much to think about to make final decisions.

Lemme take another look at the challenge..You know,I’d rather stand on the other side of a camera. Much more comforta…

Where was I…??Oh yeah..

Bl##dy h*ll, that darn challenge.. How am I to present a photo of my face??!Let me think- i’ll do it in color! No, b/w…Better upside down, that’ll be funny.. Nâh, it’s not…But on the other hand…

Aaarrghh, I can’t decide…!

Hey??! Did I saw a beard?! Gosh, a real badass beard would be nice! Not a two-day-not-shaved-kinda-thing.I admire men with beards! They have a strong self(ie), men with beards set out to sea and conquered the world! They are decisive!! I’ll have a beard too! ….although…. all that hair…it’s itchy…perhaps better not, I don’t have a…you know-beardless men can do good for the world too.. Right?

You know what? I’ll join the Selfie challenge…

…with the best of both worlds!😄

