Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Flower Show Vidya Sury ©
Lalbagh Botanical Gardens Flower Show Vidya Sury ©


The Sunshine Color, A Warm Embrace

Summer Challenge 2023: Yellow

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2023


Yellow is one of my favorite colors. Now, when my friends and family hear that, they’ll smile, smirk or laugh outright. You see, I am colorblind. But I know happiness when I see it, folks!

While picking photos from my album today, I got stuck because I couldn’t differentiate the orangy yellows from the pure yellows. So if you see something you don’t think is yellow — let me know.

The photo right on top is from one of our favorite spots in the city — Lalbagh Botanical Gardens. We enjoy visiting the flower show held twice a year. I am only sad I didn't get enough photos of the sunflowers there. Next time for sure! I just love the sea of marigolds. Marigolds are common in worship in India — as is the color yellow, which is considered auspicious.

These beauties below are from Himachal Pradesh. On our road trip, we saw them stretching out for as far as the eye could see and they made pleasant companions in our journey. Delicate, fluttering in the breeze with a butterfly or two landing on them every now and then. Oh, what a pretty sight!

Himachal Pradesh Road trip. These are everywhere. Vidya Sury ©
Himachal Pradesh Road trip. These are everywhere. Vidya Sury ©

I have tried so hard to catch butterflies and I have succeeded, but I realized none were yellow. Except this one. So I am faking it to make it. This gorgeous giant butterfly is the welcoming entrance at our local butterfly park, attached to the Bannerghatta Biological Park. Interesting place, informative about hundreds of species of butterflies. They’ve created a ‘butterfly trail’ over a five-acre garden that leads visitors to an innovatively designed three-dome structure that has the conservatory in a landscaped garden, museum, and multimedia center.

Butterfly Park, attached to the Bannerghatta Biological Park — Vidya Sury ©
Butterfly Park, attached to the Bannerghatta Biological Park — Vidya Sury ©

How can we mention yellow without including lemons? These unusual lemons you see below are from Manipur. They are HUGE, utterly delicious and — wait for it — seedless. They are called Kachai lemons and have been given Geographical Indication (GI) registration tag. They are widely grown in Kachai village of Ukhrul district. Unlike other lemon varieties, Kachai lemon is considered unique as it is a rich source of ascorbic acid and is famous for its juice content. Well, we bought a couple of kilos and enjoyed them for two months at home.

Lemons at IMA Market, Imphal, Manipur — Vidya Sury ©
Lemons at IMA Market, Imphal, Manipur — Vidya Sury ©

And on the subject of food, let’s not miss lemon rice, a favorite staple in the Indian kitchen. Made with flattened rice or poha and seasoned with onions, potatoes, peanuts, cumin seeds, and black mustard seeds, and turmeric, with a dash of lemon juice to up its taste, this is a dish that can be quickly whipped up — in about 20 minutes. Nutritious for its high iron content and lending itself to numerous recipes, poha is something on almost everyone’s grocery list. We love it at home!

Lemon rice in Vidya’s Kitchen — Vidya Sury ©
Lemon rice in Vidya’s Kitchen — Vidya Sury ©

I’ll wrap up with a pic from the bakery opposite our place. Quite innovative in their offerings, but I find almost everyone making a beeline for the pineapple pastries. I am not a fan, but they do look inviting and delicious, no?

Cake at Honey Been Bakery near my place — Vidya Sury ©
Cake at Honey Been Bakery near my place — Vidya Sury ©

As Dennett says, yellow is truly the color of happiness! Her photos always brighten my day.

I can’t wait to see Anne Bonfert’s photos. I was thinking of her when I wrote this post — she loves yellow too!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.