Yellow Widow’s Thrill blooming
Yellow Widow’s Thrill blooming © Paul Mansfield


The Thrill Blooms

A Yellow Widow’s Thrill blooming in my mom’s house


Next month will be my mom’s 90th birthday.

She lived in the same little farming village, in the middle of South Western Ontario, for 80 years, from birth until she and my father decided to move into a nearby town with more amenities.

They bought a one-story freehold townhouse with a semi-finished basement on a small street where many of their friends and former co-workers had moved.

My dad passed away suddenly from a heart attack seven years ago, and mom has lived there alone with her dog ever since.

My mom’s dog, Kasey
My mom’s best friend, Kasey, © Paul Mansfield

For some random occasion, I bought her a plant arrangement to brighten up her living room. The flower arrangement was a decorative teacup with several small plants in it. Some were flowers, while others were green and leafy.

It was a pretty arrangement. Of course, almost all of the plants eventually died, except one. We didn’t know what kind of plant it was. It just looked like a small shrub of some sort. No flowers, only leaves.



Paul Mansfield

A mage of the pen, whose magic springs from the telling of tales. An iconoclast who promotes all fiction, but whose love is Transgressive Fiction.