The Woodland Cemetery (Skogskyrkogården) in Stockholm
Skogskyrkogården, 2021 (photo by the author)

The Woodland Cemetery (Skogskyrkogården) in Stockholm

Kan Kante Hsieh


I could not remember exactly how I got to know Skogskyrkogården. I guess it was because I wanted to visit Avicii’s grave. And then I got the wrong information on the internet, saying that it was resting in this cemetery. So I googled it and found out that it has been on the list of UNESCO World Heritage since 1994.

Finally, I got the chance to visit it in late September this year. I went there with my Couchsurfing host. He has a great deal of knowledge regarding the history, architecture, art, music, movie, and so on. Besides, he is a huge fan of Greta Garbo, whose grave is also resting in this peaceful land. Thus, he became my private tour guide in Skogskyrkogården. And thanks to him, I had the chance to look at the corner that belongs to the legendary Hollywood star.

Greta Garbo’s grave in stockholm
Greta Garbo’s grave, 2021 (photo by the author)

According to my host, the spirit of the design was to create harmony between nature and the burial ground. As such, the visitors may enjoy a sense of respect and tranquility. To quote the words of the flyer from the visitor center:

“The design is shaped around the experience of mourners, with a focus on the landscape and the capacity of nature to reconcile mourners with…



Kan Kante Hsieh

Originally from Taiwan. Now mainly based in Frankfurt(M) as a Ph.D. student. Interests: Gramsci, and political geography.