photo by Erik Smith


fragments of Life on the Road #I

Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2019


Back in the days of ‘A Photo a Day for 30 Days’, started by alto, I shot quite a few photo’s of my life as a professional truckdriver. Being on the road- working, eating, sleeping, in fact; living- has been the main part of those stories.

Now- I have new material….

Air hose(d)

photo by Erik Smith


photo by Erik Smith

I am, in all honesty, still too shy to approach fellow humans in my line of work. It would make street photography much more interesting. There is, day in-day out, so much energy to be found in my little corner of the world, both positive and negative. There are so many encounters in so many ways that I dare to say; fellow truckdrivers, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly ones, are inherently interesting. In more than one way….


photo by Erik Smith

Early morning

photo by Erik Smith

They work at every hour of every day. Early morning, late at night, sunny season, in the midst of winter, in the drenched fall, they keep those wheels rolling…


photo by Erik Smith

Carrying every kind of cargo that you (or I) could ever think of. Or dream of… Everything you have ever touched, smelled, tasted, drank, wore, even lived in has at one point in it’s life seen the inside of a freight trailer.

How I wished to be the photographer is this pic. Nope- I can only take credit for editing the photo. The original photographer is colleague Dik van Voorthuizen. (but how could I nót post a powerful image like this?! )

This topic will be (irregular) continued.

(as promised kurt… ;-)

