Usually, at this hour of the morning, an exquisite peace prevails. Sadly, due to the holiday weekend (Invasion Day, also known as Australia Day), the traffic on the Great Ocean Road drowns out the sound of the surf even at this hour of the morning. Invasion Day commemorates the landing of the British First Fleet in 1788. Photo by DWC.

Week of 18 January 2021

Seven Memorable Moments

Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2021


Photo by DWC.

Horizontal Color Bands with Tilting Bird Bath. My photographic approach to landscape or scenic shots is to treat the view as if looking at an abstract painting. Blocks of color dictate the composition and framing of the image. Structural components take precedence over stories or objects. In this photo, for example, grass, trees, shrubs, and water (a perfectly ordinary backdrop) to a birdbath may be seen as non-representational. This conception shapes both my final post-production work and the way I see the image both before and after. To my eye, such a process improves the final look of the picture. By the way, I have downplayed the presence of a white-eared honey-eater on the back rim of the Bird Bath.

Photo by DWC.

Sunrise. Facing away from Melbourne, as we do, we rarely see jet trails in the sky, and I don’t believe this is one, though it does have that appearance.



Retired University Prof. (Social Studies of Science) Creator of Draw-a-Scientist Test: Living in Australia