Delish! Passion Fruit sorbet with Coconut ice cream and a Mango coulis.

What are you eating?


Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2020


Good food v/s bad food.

This v/s that.

Is there anything like that?

I don’t know why we label food as good or bad. I believe, anything in extreme, is not ideal for your mind and body.

Life hack №6 is no rocket science, however sometimes, we tend to take for granted what we have.

In my case, last year particularly, there were days when my food choices were my last priority.

As a result? This happened when I wanted comfort food.

Sweet potato fries over regular fries anyday!

And this when I wanted a taste of home.

Pav Bhaji and Bombay style Club Sandwhich — Indian Fast Food.

Some of this when on a holiday.

Caramel Latte and Chocolaty Conversations!

And a lot of that, just like that.

Bubble Tea! An intimate affair with Mr. Boba.

In between this with friends,

Dahi Puri — Indian Street Food (Yummy stuff filled with youghurt in a crispy deep fried shell)

Not to mention this when I was emotionally overwhelmed.

Ok! Seriously! This felt therapeutic!

Until my jeans got tight, my stamina dropped, and I just found myself doing less in a day that I could before. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about sizes. I love my body, just the way it is. Flat feet, big hips, thin lips, et al. This isn’t about that. It is about feeling healthy. Being healthy.

So often in the chaos of life, we ignore our food choices and portion sizes. We may have it in the back of our minds that we eat to fuel our bodies, but really, so often our choices are based on their enjoyment factor. And if you think you can overlook your eating habits just because you get your daily workout in, think again! A mistake many of us make is thinking that, if you burn a ton of calories at the gym, you can eat whatever you want. Or, if you’re “naturally” thin you don’t have to watch what you eat. Unfortunately, sweating an hour in the gym for a greasy double cheeseburger or relying on a good metabolism to take the place of healthy eating habits completely misses the point of living a healthy lifestyle. At some point in life, you will face the realization that the health of your body is the determining factor for what kind of lifestyle you can lead.

Don’t take your health for granted. Don’t take your body for granted. Do something today that communicates to your body that you desire to care for it. Tomorrow is not promised.” — Jada Pinkett Smith

So now I am striving for balance.

Balance between tasty,

Warm thoughts. Soup puts the heart at ease.

and nutritious,

A colorful palette. My salad.

as well as allowing myself that treat once in a way.

My weakness — Crème Brûlée

Bottom line, your body is a home you will live in forever. Take care of it.

So tell me, what are you eating today?

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Life Strategist. Trainer. Speaker. Author ~ you are everything you choose to be ~