“What’s the Story? Morning Glory!”

Morning Rituals

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2018


I would love to share stunning pictures of sunsets and yoga mats but, quite frankly, my mornings aren’t that glamorous. They’re fast-moving — dialed down to the fourth outfit change and “no mascara today” look.

95% of the people I love are in other states, so communication is latch and key. The first thing I do when a random electronic tone buzzes at 7:11, is check the snapple aka “Snap Chat,” “Snap (yo fingers like this),” “S-money,” “Snap, crackle, pop!” and… those are just the names my bestie and I have coined ;)

Why does my alarm ring at 7:11 you ask? Because, 7–11 reminds me of Slurpees and who can be grumpy when that frozen goodness is on your mind?

Construction Builds Character

After grabbing my dark-roast drip, fresh off the press, I practically float down the hand-carved mahogany stairs at our condo fit for royalty.

Sugar Stacks

Then, after my 6.5 minute drive to the office, I indulge in my thermos-locked coffee, not quite as fancy as the picture but — after seeing what my current residence looks like, I think you can agree I deserve some fluff.

To top off my morning, I sink my teeth into one of my sweet products of the week. There are perks to every addiction.

Mine: baking addiction.

Perks: variety of desserts ALWAYS in the house — perfect breakfast of champions (sorry Wheaties).

