All photos by Dennett

When I’m Not Working


Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2018


My relaxation moved far away 41 days ago. My grandchildren were my reason to not work, to let go, to live in the moment. Long walks, long talks, soccer games, movies, swimming, dancing, singing, reading — we knew how to relax together. Relaxation has evaporated since they left. I work long hours to forget they aren’t here. On my own, relaxation is often a challenge and therefore not relaxing. But, I do try from time to time.

The top photo shows my tools of relaxation — the stack of magazines and books I am reading, my camera, my phone charger which is also the home of my other camera, and my Buddha picture.

Water is a major source of relaxation, particularly my two favorite lakes — the one behind our home and Lake Dora in Central Florida:

And, my furry family is a constant source of pleasure and amusement, always welcoming me enthusiastically after a long day at work, taking me on adventurous walks, cuddling with me when I’m sad.




I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.