Where Roses Will Grow

for Trouser

Allan Rae


This past Friday David, myself, and Molesley, laid Trouser to rest in the yard just off the back deck. A sunny spot in the middle of the lawn where he loved to play. Today, we bought a rose bush to plant, one that will grow pink and yellow flowers.

A big thank you from all of us to those that left comments, best wishes, prayers, and thoughts. It was most appreciated. Thank you.


2016 ~ 2018

Allan Rae is a former flight paramedic, utilizing both his medical and creative writing backgrounds as a qualitative health researcher examining HIV stigma through community and personal narratives. He is the editorial director of C(G) and the photo publication SNAPSHOTS. Satire, Starbucks, and stray dogs do not displease him. He shares his home in Canada with his partner David and their dog Mr. Moles.



Allan Rae

Educator, HIV researcher, former flight paramedic, MFA, poetry, creative non fiction, memoir, intersectional social justice, satire, dogs. https://allanrae.com