Protein Wrap for Lunch! Photo and wrap by Louise Peacock


Louise Peacock


I hope all you fine Snapshots folk do not think that I am totally food-obsessed.

Just partially.

The quest for high protein options keeps me pretty busy these days due to my partners’ quest to lose weight. Since bread and pasta are not on the menu, alternatives must be found. And preferably nice tasting alternatives.

So, imagine my delight when I found a new wrap, that is high protein, high carb and (to me anyway) REALLY tasty.

Flatout ProteinUp- Carb Down wraps. Photo by Louise Peacock.

The company responsible for these wraps is called FlatoutBread .These wraps come from the U.S.A, and here in Canada are available in very few places, among them Walmart. (Sadly because I try to avoid big box stores.)

Quoting from their own website “Flatout Flatbreads were created by a husband and wife team with a little restaurant and a big passion for delicious food, especially bread. They made their own flatbreads to serve to their customers.”

Thank goodness these nice people did this. In the sea of awful tasting protein bread and wrap alternatives, I am REALLY grateful to have this choice for lunches.

Here’s how I create my lunch wrap:

Lay out wrap and add a slice of cheese. Photo by Louise Peacock
Add chopped, mixed salad to cheese slice. Photo by Louise Peacock
Add second slice of cheese to salad topping. Photo by Louise Peacock
Last, wrap up the wrap, press gently to secure. Photo by Louise Peacock
Pop in the Panini Maker for 3 minutes. Photo by Louise Peacock

Voila! A delicious, guilt-free Lunch.



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.