Next-Gen SLAs

Time to SLA
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2021

Our 2020 New Year’s resolution was to supercharge Time to SLA. Well, 12 months, 10 new releases and 1 cloud launch later — we think it’s safe to say that we met this goal. And we’re keeping the momentum going in 2021, with our biggest launch yet. Introducing Time to SLA 10.0 — Next-Gen SLAs (BETA) which is now available on all Jira applications and features:

💡An enhanced configuration,

💡Improved performance,

💡And a brand new design.

The next generation of SLAs is a journey and we’re bringing you along for the ride. As this is a beta launch, we’ll be gathering feedback that will shape the final product together with our clients. Let’s dive in…

Enhanced SLA Configuration

We’ve crammed even more functionalities within this new release of Time to SLA. One of these powerful tools is field value conditions such as the ability to pause an SLA when the assignee field is empty. We’ve added many advanced field value conditions and you can still regenerate entire SLAs anytime, even for issues that were created before the SLA was configured!

The ability to have multiple start and stop conditions is another powerful feature. With Next-Gen SLAs, it’s possible to combine an unlimited number of status, field, date and comment options, giving you greater flexibility within your SLA management.

And last, but most definitely not least, the new and improved SLA configuration allows you to set multiple goals in a single SLA. Gone are the days of creating multiple SLAs with the same start/stop conditions and different durations or priorities. Now you can simply create a single SLA, configure your start and stop conditions once, then create different SLA durations with JQL and/or priority.

The new SLA configurations page within Time to SLA.

Improved Performance

We’ve upgraded our system to a new Incremental Calculation Engine. So instead of calculating an SLA every time there’s a change within an issue, we now calculate this incrementally and only deal with new changes. This means that there will be a lower impact on issue transition and edit durations, which ultimately creates an improved overall performance. In fact:

SLA calculations from scratch (both regeneration and new issues) are up to 400% faster.

SLA calculations on issue changes (e.g. issue transition, comment on issue, edit, etc.) are up to 3x faster!

Nice 👍

Brand New Design

With Next-Gen SLAs, you’re in the driver’s seat. You can control all start, stop, reset and pause conditions, plus goals within a single page. What’s more is that this new and improved design is even more powerful. And we’ve packaged it up into a more compact design for greater ease of use. After all, good things come in small packages.

Next-Gen SLAs (BETA) is even more powerful and all within a compact design.

This is just the beginning of a really exciting journey. At Snapbytes, we’re going to be working alongside our clients to develop this new chapter within Time to SLA, based on their needs and direct feedback. So watch this space for even more awesome features and the next generation of SLA management!



Time to SLA

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