6 Ways To Give Your Snapchat Content New Life

Repurpose your content on your social channels

All Things Snap
4 min readMar 25, 2016


Are you looking for ways to get extra mileage from your Snapchat content? As a content creator, I know I want to get the most out of my snaps (and time). Let me show you how to blitz out your snap content on your other social media channels and potentially gain some new Snapchat followers along the way.

First off, I always create content exclusively for Snapchat, but I do try to be fully aware of my composition, filters, font choices, etc. I generally try not to put a lot of emojis or words over top imagery I may want to use on another channel. I also try to leave myself some cropping and video editing choices if I need them. In some cases, I save the image to my phone without text/graphics, but post them to Snapchat with.

One thing to note before we break down the content by channel…it’s important that you give context and clarity to each social media audience you are presenting to. You have to play to each channel’s needs. In some cases, your Snapchat content simply won’t work on certain channels, so don’t force it…but if it makes sense, GO FOR IT!

Share individual still snaps and videos on your profile or business/fan page on a regular basis. You can also download your entire daily story from Snapchat and share that as well. Since videos are the golden ticket these days on Facebook, your Snapchat video content can be used to strike up more reach and engagement on your business/fan page.

I’ve personally noticed how my Snapchat content is a lot funnier and engaging than content I generally share other places. This has really let me show a more authentic side of myself on Facebook that I had been missing. Let Snapchat be the gateway to sharing your authentic self on other social media.

Also remember to put calls to action in your text to get people to follow you on Snapchat and/or add a watermark to your content, so if it’s something sharable, it will lead back to you.

I often share images from my Snapchat on my Instagram. Since my personal Instagram is something I curate to be “prettier”, I generally try to avoid snap images that have text, bad lighting, or clutter. This is why I was referring to a few paragraphs back about composition, filters, etc. When I compose in Snapchat, I do keep the “pretty” factor in mind. This may or may not be a priority for you, but it’s something to consider.

I personally have noticed that my Snapchat content gets great response on Instagram, so I always make to sure my favorite snaps from any given day for use later on Instagram. You might be concerned about sharing the same content on each channel, but I find I have different fans on different channels and even if my Instagram users follow me on Snapchat, they aren’t always seeing my content day to day on both channels, so I’m just doubling my chances that they’ll see and engage with it.

I often will upload my images directly to my Twitter with a funny quip and a “follow me on Snapchat” reminder. Since the vertical format with text/doodles/graphics is recognizable to most as Snapchat content, if your content is good and you’ve added a related hashtag, you may just get a few new followers if you upload something clever, humorous or informative.

I often upload my snap videos to Vine to get extra mileage off my video content. Vine lets you reposition your vertical content to best fit their square format, so again, I try to be aware of text and drawings over my video content that might not contextually make sense to my viewer.

With Vine, you also have to play with the six second time limit. I know I often fill my snaps to the ten second limit, so shorter video snippets will play better with the Vine format. This is something to keep in mind as you create your snaps.

I’ve heard of several people who publish their Snapchat content as individual posts on Tumblr. This is a great way for people to follow along with your snaps via desktop or phone if they aren’t on Snapchat. It’s also a great way to expose yourself to other Tumblr users who may stumble upon your snaps. I would suggest watermarking your images in the event that one of your image takes off and gets reblogged or swiped and posted elsewhere.

Upload your daily snap stories to Youtube and create a playlist to house these Snapchat-specific videos. This is a great way to diversify your Youtube content and add a “day in the life” series to your Youtube feed. Consider formatting with a custom thumbnail and channel endcard with annotations so this is native to the space. Also remember to add calls to action by adding a watermark or snapcode to your video.

I hope these ideas help you push your Snapchat content onto your other channels and help you grow your following. I’d love to know if you have additional strategies for using your snaps on your social media. Share them in the comments below if you do!

Oh, and follow me on Snapchat: swelldesigner. After all, Medium is another place to leverage to grow your following!



All Things Snap

Social Media Manager, Creativity Junkie, & Cat Lover. Author of “The Snapchat Hustle“ Find me everywhere @swelldesigner & swelldesigner@gmail.com