Five Quick Ways to Up Your Game on Snapchat

Myrrh Marketing
All Things Snap
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2016
Five Ways To Up Your Game On Snapchat

1. Use “My Story”

Having a running story on Snapchat is a big deal. If people are able to consume your content whenever they log in, they’ll know you’re active and pay attention. It also allows them to see a bigger picture of what kind of stuff you post and who you are as a person.

2. Respond to people who snap you

It’s always super awkward when you snap someone and you see that they’ve opened it, but they don’t respond. Be good at responding to your Snapchat friends and it’ll encourage more posts to be sent to you in the future.

3. Don’t be fake

One of the awesome things about Snapchat is that your posts don’t last forever. If you don’t look perfect in one of your posts it’s okay! It’ll disappear after 24 hours. You can’t retroactively be stalked on Snapchat so feel free to make those ugly faces with authority.

4. Keep content valuable

There are few things that push people away like bad content. Bad content can be something that really isn’t interesting like a picture of a white wall with nothing on it and it can also be excessive content. Don’t make it impossible for people to watch through your story because you have 40 videos that are all 10 seconds each. You should leave your audience wanting more instead of leaving them never wanting to tap through your story again.

5. Put your snapcode on other social media

Snapchat has made it incredibly easy to add friends, so you should take advantage of it! Your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter followers might not know you have a Snapchat so post your snapcode on other social media sites so they’ll know how to find you. If you don’t know how to do it: swipe down on the main camera screen, click on the yellow square with the ghost in the middle, then click the export arrow on the top right of the screen and click “save image.” People can screenshot that and add you in the app super easily. Here’s mine as an example:

Happy Snapping!

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Jesse Phillips is a Marketing Executive for Myrrh Marketing. Follow Jesse on his personal social media for more: Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram,Facebook, Pinterest.



Myrrh Marketing
All Things Snap

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