How A Client And I Conceived A Diabolical Plot To Conquer The Block

Matt from Geofilt
All Things Snap
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2016

Marketing is competitive stuff.

Every business is looking for an advantage, an edge, something to separate them from the competition.

This is especially so in the nightlife promotions industry, where the market is saturated with promoters trying to convince you that their party is the ONLY party worth being at.

I’ve learned that in these markets, the cream rises. Those who are innovative can seize great opportunities to build their brand, and grow their clientele many times over.

Which leads me to this case study.

A client of mine operates a series of parties in NYC. Their parties occur at a different venue every night, but all occur within the same block.

Their first geofilter campaign was extremely successful. Hundreds of uses, tens of thousands of views in just three nights. They were thrilled with the results, they even expanded to a fourth night, but they wanted more.

“How can we leverage this new tool to draw clientele at other venues to our parties?” they asked me.

I LOVE ambitious clients. I wish every client challenged me like these guys did. So I told them I’d think about it. The next morning, I had an answer for them.

“We’re going to blanket the entire block with your geofilter.”

Within the single block in which they operate are half-a-dozen nightclubs. Patrons of any venue within that block would see that THEIR party was big enough to warrant a geofilter. All they would have to do is close their tab and cross the street and they could be a part of it. And you better believe that once they joined the party, they’d be firing off Snapchats to all their friends using that same geofilter.

A positive feedback loop that marketers dream about.

They loved the idea. They wanted to grow their real-time social media presence on this block. They wanted to demonstrate that their innovativeness, professionalism, and promotion skill is second to none. And they didn’t want to break the bank doing it. A geofilter campaign allowed them to accomplish all of these goals.

There are countless creative opportunities waiting to be taken advantage of with Snapchat Geofilters. This is just one example. I try to think of new ways every day how I can provide more value to my clients. How I can help them stand out amidst the noise of social media.

I wish every client challenged me like these guys did, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I wasn’t already challenging myself constantly.

It takes creativity. It takes not being afraid to fail. It takes being willing to sacrifice your own time and money to test and validate your ideas.

As this platform matures, and more designers saturate the market, only the cream will rise to the top.
I’m willing to push the envelope to make sure I get there.
Are you?

Do you have a question about marketing your brand? Have ideas of your own you’d like to share? Interested in a partnership, a guest post, or a campaign of your own? Please reach out. I respond to every. single. email.

Until next time,



Matt from Geofilt
All Things Snap

Writes about Snapchat, graphic design, & digital marketing. Founder of Geofilt: specializing in geofilter campaigns for events & businesses.