How to Grow on Snapchat

Taylor Nikolai
All Things Snap
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2015

Snapchat’s now saturated. It happened quicker than I thought, but we’ve hit the point where users have no motivation to add any new account to Snapchat without great incentive to do so.

I’m seeing all sorts of brands gloat over their presence on Snapchat by putting their Boo-R code (that Snapchat thing that you can scan to add an account on Snapchat) with no one having any desire to actually add their account. Snapchat isn’t like other platforms — it takes time and energy to actually engage with a Snapchat story. People know this, and their feeds are already full. You’re going to have to try harder than just putting your code out there to get people to care.

As a prominent Snapchatter, I’ve already learned from first-hand experience how ineffective shout-outs are, even if it’s a shout-out done solely on Snapchat. No longer is there mystique over what a new Snapchat account might have to offer, you have to give guidance as to WHY someone should add your account.

Through trial and error, I’ve learned how futile it is growing my personal account by having popular Snapchatters say that I should be added. It leads to very few adds, and makes the entire process a waste of time (not to mention drawing from content quality and leading to brand dilution).

So how do I grow? Through effective and meaningful collaboration. Take for instance my latest collaboration, with famous Snapchat artist and owner of the popular Snapchat website, CyreneQ. Though this collaboration Snapchat Story video is short, it’s extremely effective, and led to her receiving thousands of ‘adds’ sent from me:

Why was this effective? Let me explain this story’s utility in detail:

The Snapchat story begins with snaps that are used to introduce the collaborating Snapchatter. I place text of her username below her face to draw attention to it, thereby leading to a higher conversion rate. Throughout this process, I’m showing her personality — just part of what she has to offer.

The next segment of the story is used to demonstrate what Cyrene is popular on Snapchat for doing: her amazing artwork. I allow her to take a picture of me and draw on my phone to show what she can do.

After this is complete, I do one last call to action (CTA), telling people that if they thought that was amazing, they should add CyreneQ. Throughout this entire process, I’m calculatedly starting my recording in a manner in which I know she doesn’t know I’m recording yet, allowing her true personality to shine through. I want people to get to know the real Cyrene, and this is an effective means of doing it.

If you’re growing a Snapchat account without personality, you’re going down a dangerous path of potential obsollesence. Snapchat is about personality, and lack thereof will likely lead to your brand’s downfall. Though Cyrene and I have literally hundreds of thousands of followers fewer than the “BIG” brands, we’re able to drive traffic, followers, and engagements at a higher rate.

Our personalities are why.

Thanks for reading! Add me on Snapchat: Taylor.Nikolai (don’t forget the dot)!

Read about my social influence on other platforms here:

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