Three Ways To Use Your Tribe To Grow Your Snapchat Following

All Things Snap
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2016

As you already probably know, it’s hard to build a following on Snapchat the way it is on a lot of other social platforms.


If you’re like me, you even did some extensive Google research to find tips and tricks for getting new followers. I’m not gonna lie, nothing really worked for me. It’s easy to see why people feel frustrated by the slow growth…there’s not that immediate commentary from your audience and instant gratification that a lot of us crave. I can understand why people throw in the towel so easily on their Snapchat game.

But just a few weeks ago, I realized that there really is power in turning to your online community to grow your Snapchat audience. I’ve noticed a lot of interest brewing up and discussions in online forums and articles. When I recently saw a long thread on Snapchat in a popular Crafts/DIY Facebook group I’m a part of, I realized that there must be a way to harness this interest to help each other grow and gain a better understanding of Snapchat. Here’s three things I have personally done and recommend you do to cultivate a loyal Snapchat following using your online tribe.

Set up a “Snapchat” Facebook group for your industry
Since my niche is crafts/DIY, I started a new “Snapchat for Creatives” group that I admin and moderate, where I share tips, ask questions, and link to informative articles. There’s also an active thread where new users can post their snap code and username. Having peers to follow on Snapchat has made many in the group feel more confident to dive into the app. I’ve personally made connections with bloggers I didn’t even know last month, so I’m broadening my scope as well. Even if some of the members don’t ultimately get into Snapchat, they may still make some networking opportunities via the Facebook group and I think that’s pretty cool.

Make a short video with tribe member Snapcodes/Usernames
Last week, I made a 6-second “Cool & Crafty People to Follow” video featuring both snapcodes and usernames that I shared on my Facebook, Vine, and Instagram. I also shared this video with the people I featured so they could also upload it to their social media platforms. Instead of getting just one jab on my social platforms, I got jabs on four other influencer spaces as well! I also talked about the video on Snapchat and noticed that I received a LOT of screenshots on snap codes of these other users. By leveraging off each other, we were able to broaden our reach.

Do Snapchat account takeovers of each others’ accounts
Taking over another account for the day is a great way to get your user name out there and share your personality, insight, and skills with a new set of eyes. Think of this like “guest blogging” and bring your A game to that day’s snap story on their page. This could be something you could do on a weekly basis to slowly, but solidly grow your audience. And here’s a suggestion…use the Facebook group you create to scout for potential people you’d like to partner with! Win/Win!

I’m personally pretty excited to see where these collaborations lead and get some new followers who share my similar interests. Which ones of these do you think you might try and/or do you have any additional ways to use your tribe to leverage your Snapchat growth? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Oh, and if you would like to be be a part of my Snapchat for Creatives FB group (please bring an artistic, creative, DIY eye to the mix), hit me up on Snapchat and I’ll send the link (Find me at with username: Swelldesigner).



All Things Snap

Social Media Manager, Creativity Junkie, & Cat Lover. Author of “The Snapchat Hustle“ Find me everywhere @swelldesigner &