Why parents will soon be using Snapchat

Louis John
All Things Snap
2 min readApr 23, 2015


When I say parents, I’m not talking about the teenage ones (they’re probably on Snapchat already). No, I mean the oldies (no offense), the 40 to 60 year-olds.

Have you tried communicating with your teenage kid recently? Does the above picture look familar?

Snapchat is currently the number one social platform for 13–23 year olds. However, I predict within the next 12 months, Snapchat will be a platform widely used by all ages, right the way up to the 50+; and here’s why:

It’s all in the pattern of parents…

History tends to repeat itself. Patterns emerge. If you can find the pattern, you can pretty much predict the future. Disclaimer: I cannot predict the future.

Do you remember a time when text messaging was a cool thing to do? I was about 14 years old (10 years ago)
My parents were adamant they wasn’t going to send text messages… that was until I stopped answering my phone when it rang. As if by magic, my mum learned how to send that 5 word text “where are you? It’s late!”

We’ve progressed a lot since then. Nowadays the mature folks are using WhatsApp (with emojis & LOL’s) and taking selfies on Instagram!

Gary Vaynerchuck:

The fastest growing demo on Instagram is 40 to 60 year olds who are taking selfies. Let that sink in…

Or what about Facebook? I remember a time when only university students used Facebook.
Then one day, your mum signs up, just so she can look at those precious graduation photos you posted.

See, what we all seem to forget is parents like to feel connected to their children’s lives (they can be dramatic like that). When the attention of 13–23 year olds shifts from Facebook and WhatsApp to Instagram and Snapchat, the grown-ups will soon adapt and follow; in a desperate attempt to keep connected to their children.

So, to all you grown-ups out there, I don’t care what you say…Snapchat is the unique form of communication that everyone needs to get used to. Parents, you WILL be using Snapchat in the near future…History says so!

Do you agree? I would love to hear your thought’s on this! You can tweet me your opinions and questions at @itLouisJohn.

Thank you so much for reading! If you found this valuable, please hit the recommend button below; I would really appreciate it! Peace!



Louis John
All Things Snap

If you’re wondering, I’m a businessman, public speaker & social media wiz-kid! I write. I lead. I live for the hustle! #BeEpic