Why Recurring Campaigns Are Essential For Effective Advertising On Snapchat

Matt from Geofilt
2 min readJun 3, 2016


There’s a term in advertising called Effective Frequency.

It refers to how many times your ad must be seen before people understand the message.

It’s a crucial concept to understand if you want to succeed on Snapchat as a brand.

Effective Frequency can vary depending on what you’re selling. For simple consumer-oriented products (think deodorant, soda, or a new album), an ad may only need to be seen a few times for the message to be relayed. For more complex products and services, it takes more time for the message to sink in with your target audience.

But the Advertising Medium also plays a major role.

Snapchat is a visual medium, similar to a television ad, but different because Snapchat demands active interaction from its users. Television is often a more passive experience for a viewer, who could be distracted by all sorts of things (even by Snapchat!).

So how do we achieve Effective Frequency on Snapchat?

Well, there is a general rule of thumb in advertising:
“To attain an effective frequency rate, you should expose your audience to at least four ad viewings within a four-week span.”

Four ad vieweings within a four-week span, or, once a week. That’s it! That’s all it takes to start effectively influencing your market. Imagine the type of influence you could cultivate over 10, 20, even 50 weeks!

Think about television ads. They never air just one time! They air for weeks, months, years! They air until you are able to recite every last word of the commercial, and then they air some more!!

There’s an old expression: top of mind, tip of tongue.

If you want to be on the tip of your audience’s tongue, first you need to get to the top of their minds. You do that with well-targeted, well-executed, recurring campaigns.

And as always, please reach out to me with your questions. I respond to every email I receive. Usually within an hour (but no promises).

Until next time,





Matt from Geofilt

Writes about Snapchat, graphic design, & digital marketing. Founder of Geofilt: specializing in geofilter campaigns for events & businesses. www.geofilt.com