AMA| Next-Gen Decentralized Data Network, Stratos Opens Up a New Web3.0 Era

Published in
7 min readOct 11, 2021

Time: 10/10 21:00 UTC+8

Guest: Bin Zhu|Founder of Stratos Network

Q1: Hello Bin Zhu, before starting AMA, could you tell us about your background before entering the blockchain industry and what motivated you to start Stratos Network?

Hello Bin Zhu,在正式进入 AMA 之前可以和大家介绍下您自己在进入区块链行业之前的一些背景,以及是什么促使您创立 Stratos Network 的呢?

As the founder of Stratos, I have over 20+ years of experience in software development across multiple platforms and technologies. Previously, I was the cloud team founder of MindGeek, where I built the complete big data ecosystem and led the entire team to provide data services to more than 100 million users per day across all the countries in the world.

I was also the technical co-founder of Faimdata, an AI company providing consumer data intelligence solutions via computer vision for retailer customers.

With experiences working across the generations of technology innovations, I am leading the Stratos team to build the next generation of decentralized data mesh that enables the uses of blockchain technology across industries.




Since Bitcoin was born in 2009, the blockchain industry started. Most blockchain projects focused on the public chain (open ledger) projects, but only a few projects focused on decentralized infrastructure. We think this is a huge opportunity to transfer our years of experience to build a global infrastructure on Stratos, and it is also an opportunity to better help the blockchain industry to be built on a pure decentralized platform.


Q2: We know that Stratos Network has a large architecture including storage, database, computing, and blockchain. How do these modules collaborate with each other to build up the Stratos Network?

我们知道 Stratos Network 有一个很大的架构包括去中心化存储、去中心化数据库、去中心化计算和区块链。这些模块是如何彼此协作,并构建起 Stratos Network 的?

Stratos is composed of 4 modules and 3 layers.

The 4 modules Stratos services are composed of include blockchain, decentralized storage, decentralized databases, and decentralized computing. Just as the earth needs air, water, soil, and sunlight, each of these four elements is indispensable to the provision of the necessary conditions for the growth of everything. Different combinations of these four modules will also provide various decentralized services for the blockchain industry and traditional industries.

Stratos 是由 4 个模块和 3 个层级组合而成。


The three layers are the value layer, the resource layer, and the meta-service layer. Each layer corresponds to a different consensus mechanism. The value layer uses Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus, the resource layer uses Proof-of-Traffic (PoT) consensus, and the meta service layer uses Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus.

3 个层次则为价值层,资源层和元数据路由层。每个层次对应了不同的共识方式,价值层使用 Proof-of-Stake(PoS) 权益共识,资源层使用 Proof-of-Traffic(PoT) 流量共识,元数据路由层则使用 Proof-of-Authority(PoA) 权威共识。

The design of three layers and three consensuses smartly solves the impossible triangle problem of decentralization to the greatest extent possible.

1. PoA is the closest consensus algorithm to centralization, ensuring that the meta service layer remains efficient when decentralized

2. PoS is to make sure the value layer is secure and robust

3. PoT is a completely decentralized consensus algorithm, which ensures that the resource layer can expand indefinitely, allowing more resources to join the Stratos network


PoA 是最接近中心化的共识算法,保证元数据路由层在去中心化时依然高效

PoS 是保证价值层的安全性和环保性

PoT 是完全去中心化的共识算法,保证资源层可以无限扩张,让更多的资源加入 Stratos 网络

Q3: Stratos Network has pioneered the Proof-of-Traffic to guarantee the fairness of participants and users, and to enable more rational deployment of storage resources. Could you introduce the “Proof-of-Traffic” to us, especially the advantages and alternatives it could bring to the storage network?

Stratos Network 通过首创的 Proof-of-Traffic 流量证明共识机制,来确保参与者和使用者的利益,并能够更合理的调配存储资源,可以为大家介绍下 Proof-of-Traffic 机制,以及这个共识机制能够为存储网络带来的优势和变化嘛?

At present, most of the blockchain projects on the market use PoW and PoS consensus mechanisms, but they all have, to some extent, limitations and drawbacks. In the real world, the volume of traffic and the number of users are most commonly used to measure the value of internet companies. Traffic will bring more attention which leads to huge commercial value and benefits. Therefore, using traffic to verify the value provided by each node is very much required.

From another perspective, if a node needs to handle higher concurrent traffic, the overall performance of the node needs to be higher. The overall performance of a node is determined by computing power, storage, and network bandwidth. Therefore, motivating the miners using the consensus mechanism of PoT will be much healthier and more effective than PoS or PoW. Miners will not just focus on storage or workload but need to focus on overall performance and increase the network bandwidth of each machine so that the Stratos network can ensure the health and efficiency of the network during high-speed expansion.

The development of Web 3.0 is not only about the richness of the applications on Web 3.0, but also the stability and efficiency of the underlying network. Therefore, Stratos has designed the unique PoT consensus to better encourage all participating miners to maintain the effectiveness of the network and further promote durable and vigorous development and operations.

目前市面上的区块链项目大部分都采用 工作量证明,存储证明 共识机制,但是他们都具有很大的局限性和缺陷。而在现实世界中,通常流量和用户数是衡量互联网公司价值的标准。因为流量会带来更多的关注度,进而带来巨大的商业价值和收益,所以流量作为价值衡量标准是符合价值规律的。

从另一个角度讲,如果一个节点需要处理更高并发流量,就需要节点的整体性能更高。而一个节点的整体性能是从计算能力,存储还有网络带宽共同决定的,所以通过 PoT 这种共识方式去激励网络矿工将会比 PoS 或 PoW 更加健康有效。矿工不会只关注存储或者工作量,而是需要关注整体性能并且提高每台机器的网络带宽从而让 Stratos 网络在高速扩张时仍能够保证网络的健康和高效。

Web3.0 的发展不仅仅在于 Web3.0 上的应用的丰富度,更是依赖 Web3.0 底层网络的稳定性和高效性。所以 Stratos 通过 PoT 这种共识方式可以更好地激励所有参与矿工更加积极的维护网络的有效性,更可以进而促进 Stratos 网络可以长治久安的健康蓬勃的发展和运行下去。

Q4: Trustles solution is one of the essentialities to decentralized storage. How does Stratos prepare for it?


The trustless solution contains two parts, one is whether the stored file will be lost or not, and the other is how to make sure the content of the file won’t be tampered with after the file is stored.

去信任解决方案包含两个部分,一个是存储的文件是否会丢失,是否是可信任, 另一个就是文件存储后如何保证文件内容不会被篡改。

Stratos’ solution:

1. At least 3 copies of files are stored in the Stratos storage network. If any copy is lost, or the mining machine which contains the copy goes offline, Stratos coordination layer will automatically make up for the missing copy.

2. Every file uploaded to the storage network will also record the hash value of this file on the Stratos blockchain. The system will check the hash value when the user reads the file. If the hash value is changed means the file has been tampered with.




Q5: There is a demo about using Stratos decentralized storage for stream media ( ), the upload and playback speed is very fast, how does Stratos achieve it?

有一个关于使用 Stratos 去中心化存储进行流媒体传输的 Demo( ),上传和播放速度非常快体,Stratos 是如何做到的?

Thanks, we would like to use a demo to show the potential of Stratos.

After we published the videos, there are lots of companies contacted us and excited how to intergate Stratos decentralized storage to support their business

How we did it? I would like to say, Stratos decentralized storage architecture is carefully designed and well-developed.

Reasonable video fragmentation and proper fragment persistence are the reasons why videos can be played very smoothly on the Storage testnet.

As more and more network nodes are joined Stratos networkwork, the performance of Stratos storage will also get better and better.

Stratos 去中心化存储架构是被精心设计和开发出来的,合理的视频分片以及合适的分片保存都是视频可以被非常流畅播放的原因.


Actually, we already talked to SocialFi projects, Stratos could help them to distribute media files (Image, audio, video). The other important key point, Stratos decentralized database allow use to save the personal profile in own space, don’t worry your personal profile be stolen by the centralized system which like Facebook, Google, Wechat etc…

So maybe someone will ask about content control management, how to deal with such as violence, racism?

There are 2 ways to manage the contents:

1. In cooperation with IWF (Internet Watch Foundation) , all the blacklisted contents of this organization has been banned

2. The foundation and community of Stratos will vote for which kind of content will be banned

Anyway, this kind of decision is super powerful, the Stratos need to take care them very carefully, people need the freedom voice, but we also need to avoid someone abuse this freedom to hurt people.

实际上,我们已经和一些 SocialFi 项目谈过,Stratos 可以帮助他们分发媒体文件(图像、音频、视频)。 另一个重要的关键点,Stratos 去中心化数据库允许将个人资料保存在自己的空间中,不用担心个人资料被 Facebook、谷歌、微信等中心化系统窃取……



1.与 IWF(互联网观察基金会)合作,所有被该组织列入黑名单的内容已被禁止。

2. Stratos 基金会和社区将投票决定禁止哪些内容。

不管怎样,这是一个庞大的决策体系,Stratos 需要非常谨慎地处理。人们需要自由的声音,同时我们也需要避免有人滥用这种自由来伤害人们。

Q6: Stratos‘s native token $STOS issued an IDO on Polkastarter in June and has grown to approximately 3,000+ holders. It is believed that the community is looking forward to Stratos’ upcoming incentive test network in October. How will it empower the entire $STOS token ecosystem?

Stratos 代币 $STOS 于 6 月份在 Polkastarter 上进行 IDO 发展至今约有 3000+ 持币用户。相信社区们都很期待 Stratos 即将在 10 月份上线的激励测试网,会如何赋能整个 $STOS 代币生态呢?

The Stratos testnet will be released as soon as possible, but the incentive testnet will be postponed a little.

There are several purposes for stimulating the testnet

1. Let more miners who are interested in joining the Stratos network join the network without cost, and test their own machines and bandwidth

2. Stratos collects the operation status by stimulating the operation status of the test network to make more adequate preparations for the mainnet launch

3. Polish the incentive parameters and deposit parameters





3. 打磨主网上线后激励参数和质押参数

Q7: The decentralized storage sector has been gradually heated up. Increasing amount of investors has begun to pay more attention to related projects, Stratos included. One of the investors’ concerns would be the tokenomics of Stratos. Could you explain it to us? As well as how STOS actualizes the value capture?


The value capture of Ethereum is achieved by burning ETH.

As a service provider of decentralized infrastructure, Stratos will provide services to many blockchain projects, developers, and traditional industries, and gradually develop the Stratos ecosystem, making the Stratos ecosystem more and more prosperous to make the value of STOS higher and higher.



✅ Q8: We heard that $STOS is going to be listed on one of those CEXs very soon! Could you share with us the product roadmap and marketing plans in the short term?

听说 $STOS 即将要上线交易所,可以和社区透露下近期的市场计划或产品路线图吗?

Stratos Storage test chain is doing the final testing before release, and will be available soon.

After testing network is launched, Stratos will establish cooperative relations with many NFT projects. At the same time, as a decentralized CDN service provider, Stratos will also begin to connect with traditional Internet industries and gradually provide CDN services to them.




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