Introducing Zeplin Mobile by Snapp Mobile

Juhani Lehtimäki
Snapp Mobile
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2020

Zeplin is one of the most important tools for Snapp Mobile in our own projects as well as in our customer projects. We believe that product quality directly depends on the number of iterations the team can get in it before the release.

Zeplin Mobile by Snapp Mobile

Designers and developers working as a single team is important. Zeplin removes as much friction as possible from the interface. As a design communication tool Zeplin is unbeaten.

Zeplin has had a weakpoint though.. The mobile user experience wasn’t the best. In fact, reading, and responding to comments wasn’t really possible on the go. So when we heard that the good folks at Zeplin were going release an API we were more than happy to jump in and build the “missing” mobile client :-)

So here we go: Zeplin Mobile by Snapp Mobile is an unofficial mobile client for Zeplin using the official Zeplin APIs. This is an app that was built for our own needs but we’re happy to release it to wider public to hopefully benefit as well.

Give it a go!

The app is available in Open Beta on iOS and Android now. We’re still hard at work completing some features and polishing others. Feedback, thoughts and bug reports are very welcome! Please use the TestFlight and Play Store feedback routes or just email us at for Android and fo iOS

Join the Open Beta for Android here:

Join the Open Beta for iOS here:



Juhani Lehtimäki
Snapp Mobile

Dad | Founder, CTO @snappmobile_io | CEO @snappautomotive | GDE, Android | GDG-Android Munich organiser