Learn Cyrillic

Pierluigi Rufo
Snapp Mobile
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2019

Learn Cyrillic is a simple app risen from a personal need. It’s an exploration of flash-cards for a simple use case of learning to read Cyrillic alphabet.

After iterations of interaction studies the dating-app-like swiping yes/no interface felt the most natural approach in combination with the card metaphor.

The project has a history of being a hobby project. It was first build without designer support. Over winter holidays we turned the app into a professional looking and feeling app by working in close and fast iterations in a tight design-developer team.

How we pushed Learn Cyrillic beyond “just another app”?

A learning app needs to be delightful. Simple buttons, dull prompts won’t get you back to learning things. While the UI is mostly distraction-free plain colours we created the yes/no animations to emphasise the key function and progress of learning.

The bottom bar slowly turning green will create a sense of progress and the animated bubbles sense of event.

